Saturday, 6 August 2016

Windows And Musing

In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences and who gave meaning to the world. Now, a muse is something, often a person, who serves as an inspiration. Quite often filmmakers talk about an actor being a muse — meaning the actor inspired a movie. Writers, painters, musicians, and cultural producers have muses. Musing is to do with thinking deeply. If you muse its serious. It takes longer than a few seconds 'to muse'. Many muse upon an idea for year upon year. As it is with 'the dawn' musing means, or can mean, something 'becoming light' or it 'becoming clear,' like when it 'dawns on you that you' that you hadn't perceived something. In that case, you can suddenly see what you did wrong, like at the dawn of a new day, when it is no longer dark and you can see, literally. Windows, are for musing and letting in the light and each morning is a new beginning. Collectors understand this and quite a few stand at windows.

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